Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Example of descriptive theory in nursing

Example of descriptive theory in nursing

example of descriptive theory in nursing

 · Middle-range theories, example of descriptive theory in nursing, p. Prescriptive theories, p. Providing patient-centered nursing care is an expectation for all nurses. As you progress through your curriculum, you will learn to apply knowledge from nursing science, social sciences, physical sciences, biobehavioral sciences, ethics, and health  · Nursing theories provide a way to define nursing as a unique discipline that is separate from other disciplines e. It is a framework of concepts and purposes intended to guide nursing practice at a more concrete and specific level. Nursing, as a profession, example of descriptive theory in nursing, is committed to recognizing its own  · These theories provide the foundation of nursing practice, specifically nursing assessment, intervention, and evaluation. They also offer a framework for generating knowledge and new example of descriptive theory in nursing. Nursing theory is the backbone of clinical care. Therefore, we have to know them all by heart

38 Greatest Nursing Models & Theories To Practice By (Part 1) - NurseBuff

More recently, nurse experts have concluded that nursing example of descriptive theory in nursing a pure science that possesses its own body of knowledge.

Our knowledge focuses on factors that affect human wellness. Nursing science is comprised of more than blogger. comptive theory identifies properties and components of a discipline. They identify meaning and observations and describe what elements exist in that discipline · The Prescriptive Theory.

Also referred to as Situation-Producing Theory, is a type of theory that stipulates what the healthcare professional must do to attain a prescribed goal. The prescription is the action that the nurse deems appropriate to fulfill the main purpose.

The nursing profession has impressively evolved over time, and along with this transition came the development of different nursing theories, example of descriptive theory in nursing.

These theories provide the foundation of nursing practice, specifically nursing assessment, intervention, and evaluation. They also offer a framework for generating knowledge and new example of descriptive theory in nursing.

Nursing theory is the backbone of clinical care. Therefore, we have to know them all by heart. Here are 38 great nursing theories to practice by:. This mid-range example of descriptive theory in nursing serves as a framework for nurses in providing appropriate health care interventions to mothers, helping them develop a strong maternal identity. The basic concept of the Maternal Role Attainment Theory is the developmental and interactional process, in which the mother bonds with her baby while acquiring competence and expressing joy in her role as a mother.

Ramona Mercer spent more than 30 years doing research about parenting in low and high-risk situations as well as transition into the maternal role. She began with a study of mothers who gave birth to infants with a birth defect She focused next on teenage mothers during their first year of motherhood.

Her research has provided clinicians with information on how to make a difference in the lives of new parents. The Self-Efficacy Theory originated from the Social Cognitive Theory by Bandura. The latter states that there are three factors that influence self-efficacy: Behavior, environment, and personal factors. These factors affect each other, but the personal or cognitive factors are the most important.

Bandura focuses on the acquisition of behaviors. He believes that people acquire behaviors through the observation of others, and then imitation of what example of descriptive theory in nursing have observed. This is the first step towards regaining control over their lives. For nurses to begin the process of engagement using the Tidal Model, the following needs to be accepted: recovery is possible; change is inevitable; ultimately, the patient knows what is best for him or her; the patient possesses all the resources he or she needs to begin the recovery journey; the patient is the teacher, while the helpers are the pupils; and the helper needs to be creatively curious, and to learn what needs to be done to help the person.

His wife, Poppy Buchanan-Barker, example of descriptive theory in nursing, also had her own contributions to the Tidal Model.

The Life Perspective Rhythm Model includes the concepts of nursing, person, health, and environment. The model contributes to nursing knowledge by providing taxonomy for identifying and labeling nursing concepts. In this model, health is identified as a basic human example of descriptive theory in nursing in continuous development.

The model recognizes individuals as having unique biological, example of descriptive theory in nursingpsychological, emotional, social, cultural, and spiritual attitudes. Optimum health is described as the actualization of both innate and obtained human potential, goal-directed behavior, and expert personal care.

Fitzpatrick earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Georgetown University. The Theory of Comfort is a mid-range theory for health practice, education, and research. It has the potential to place comfort in the forefront of healthcare.

Born in Cleveland, example of descriptive theory in nursing, Ohio, Katharine Kolcaba earned her diploma of nursing in from St.

Inshe graduated with PhD Nursing from Case Western Reserve University and example of descriptive theory in nursing a website called The Comfort Line. According to this theory, every patient has varying range of adaptive responses, which depend on factors such as age, gender, and illness.

The goal is to promote adaptation and maintain wholeness by using the principles of conservation. Born in Chicago inMyra Estrin Levine earned her diploma in nursing from the Cook County School of Nursing in and completed her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Chicago in She published Introduction to Clinical Nursing inwith additional editions printed in and Driving forces are those that cause change to occur.

They facilitate change because they push the patient in a desired direction. Restraining forces, on the other hand, are those forces that counter the driving forces.

They hinder example of descriptive theory in nursing because they push the patient in the opposite direction. Lastly, equilibrium is a situation wherein driving forces equal restraining forces, and no change occurs. Kurt Lewin was born in in Germany. When his family moved to Berlin inhe entered the University of Freiburg to study medicine, example of descriptive theory in nursing opted to study biology instead, which prompted him to transfer to the University of Munich.

He spent six months as a visiting professor at Stanford University in He then worked at Cornell University for the Iowa Child Welfare Research Station at the University of Iowa after his immigration. Following World War II, Lewin was involved in the psychological rehabilitation of former displaced camp occupants at Harvard Medical School with Dr, example of descriptive theory in nursing.

Jacob Fine. He is now considered the father of social psychology. It focuses on three areas: individual characteristics and experiences, behavior-specific cognitions and affect, and behavioral outcomes.

The theory underscores that each person has unique characteristics that may affect their actions. She earned her PhD from Northwestern University in She is the co-founder of the Midwest Nursing Research Society, and is currently serving as a trustee.

Now a retiree, Pender also spends her time consulting on health promotion research nationally and internationally, example of descriptive theory in nursing. The problems fall into three categories: physical, sociological, example of descriptive theory in nursingand emotional needs of patients; types of interpersonal relationships between the patient and nurse; and common elements of patient care.

The patient needs are then divided into four categories which include basic to all patients, sustenant care needs, remedial care needs, and restorative care needs. The twenty-one problems can be applied to the nursing process. In the assessment phase, the nursing problems provide guidelines for data collection.

Faye Glenn Abdellah was the first nurse officer to ever earn the ranking of a two-star rear admiral. She was also the first nurse and woman to serve as a Deputy Surgeon General, example of descriptive theory in nursing. Virginia Henderson, the Nightingale of Modern Nursing, was born in Kansas City, Missouri, in She earned her diploma in Nursing from the Army School of Nursing at Walter Reed Hospital, Washington, D. in Inshe was honored at the Annual Meeting of the Nursing and Allied Health Section of the Medical Library Association.

And to do this in such a way as to help him gain independence as rapidly as possible. The Goal Attainment Theory describes a dynamic, example of descriptive theory in nursing, example of descriptive theory in nursinginterpersonal relationship in which a patient grows and develops to attain certain goals in life.

The model has three interacting systems: personal, interpersonal, and social. Each of these systems has its own set of concepts.

According to King, a human being is a social being who is rational and sentient. He or she is able to perceive, think, feel, choose, set goals, select means to achieve goals, and make decisions. He or she has three fundamental needs: the need for health information when it is needed and can be used; the need for care that seeks to prevent illness; and the need for care when he or she is unable to help him or herself. Born in West Point, Iowa, inImogene King earned her nursing diploma from St.

Louis, Missouri, in Inshe earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from St. Inshe earned her doctoral degree from Teachers College, example of descriptive theory in nursing, Columbia University. The Helvie Energy Theory revolves around the concept of energy.

The individual can be viewed as an energy field affecting and being affected by all other energy fields in the physical, biological, chemical and psychosocial environments as well as community subsystems through exchanges.

These exchanges of energy and individual success or failure in adaptation example of descriptive theory in nursing actual or potential placement on an energy continuum, and the need for assistance from the health practitioner. This theory is applied in practice through a process of assessing, example of descriptive theory in nursingplanning, intervening, and evaluating. Carl Helvie is a registered nurse who earned his masters in public health nursing focusing on wellness from the University of California, example of descriptive theory in nursing.

He then earned his second masters degree in public health and wellness from the John Hopkins University, and his post doctoral study in the Divinity school at Duke University. Inhe was awarded the Distinguished Career in Public Health Award by the American Public Health Association.

For 60 years, he became a nurse practitioner, educator, author, and researcher. He helped thousands of patients improve their health and taught around 4, graduate and undergraduate nursing students. Inhe taught at the University of Applied Sciences in Frankfurt, Germany and served as a nursing consultant to Russia. The theory identifies four main elements in clinical nursing: a philosophy, a purpose, a practice, and the art.

It explains that knowledge encompasses all that has been perceived and grasped by the human mind. According to the theory, example of descriptive theory in nursing, a nurse uses two types of judgment in dealing with patients: clinical and sound. Sound judgment, on the other hand, is the result of disciplined functioning of mind and emotions, and improves with expanded knowledge and increased clarity of professional purpose.

She then earned her Masters of Arts from Teachers College, Columbia University in InWiedenbach earned a certificate in nurse-midwifery from the Maternity Center Association School for Nurse-Midwives in New York, example of descriptive theory in nursingand taught there until The following year, she joined the faculty of Yale University as an instructor in maternity nursing.

She became an assistant professor of obstetric nursing in When we use our helping skills effectively, we can be healthy and can help each other in actualizing our human potential, example of descriptive theory in example of descriptive theory in nursing. The only meaning to life is to grow, as growing is life.

Robert Carkhuff, Ph. He is already among the most prolific scientists of the 21st century with more than 15 major works. This theory centers on the patient as an individual and his relationship with biological, psychological, sociocultural, environmental, and politicoeconomic factors, among others.

Nancy Roper example of descriptive theory in nursing her nursing career in Wetheral near Carlisle as a student.

Inwhen Roper became a state registered nurse, several of the nurse teaching staff had been called up as members of the Territorial Army. She achieved MPhil degree at Edinburgh University inand then worked as the first nursing research officer for the Scottish Home and Health Department. Winifred Logan earned her M. For example, a descriptive theory describes a phenomenon such example of descriptive theory in nursing grief or caring.

A predictive theory identifies conditions or factors that predict a phenomenon. A prescriptive theory details nursing interventions for a specific phenomenon and the expected outcome of the care. Box summarizes goals of theoretical nursing blogger.

Descriptive Teaching Model

, time: 3:35

Nursing Theories & Theorists: An Ultimate Guide for Nurses - Nurseslabs

example of descriptive theory in nursing

Nursing theories are used to describe, develop, disseminate, and use previous/present knowledge in blogger.comptive theory identifies properties and components of a discipline. They identify meaning and observations and describe what elements exist in that discipline  · These theories provide the foundation of nursing practice, specifically nursing assessment, intervention, and evaluation. They also offer a framework for generating knowledge and new example of descriptive theory in nursing. Nursing theory is the backbone of clinical care. Therefore, we have to know them all by heart  · Also referred to as Situation-Producing Theory, is a type of theory that stipulates what the healthcare professional must do to attain a prescribed goal. The prescription is the action that the nurse deems appropriate to fulfill the main purpose. What are the 4 common concepts in nursing theory? The nursing metaparadigm consist of four main concepts: person, health,

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