Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Forest conservation essay

Forest conservation essay

forest conservation essay

Forest Conservation Essay. Page 1 of 50 - About Essays Rhetoric Of Deforestation Essay. The Rhetoric of Deforestation The first image, entitled WWF: Lungs, is an anti-deforestation advertisement published by the World Wildlife Fund, a group well-known and respected for its conservation work. The WWF has become an authority on environmental Its main objectives are— (i) Maintenance of environmental stability through preservation and restoration of ecological balance; (ii) Conservation of natural heritage (iii) Check on soil erosion and denudation in catchments areas of rivers, lakes and reservoirs; (iv) Check on extension of sand dunes in the desert area of Rajasthan and along coastal tracts; (v) Substantial increase in forest Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins Word Essay on Forest Conservation | Essays Writing. Forest Conservation. Man and forest live in a close relationship. The forest fulfils most of the man’s needs. He collects resin, cane, timber, food, and fruits from forests. The fallen branch gives him blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins

Forest Conservation - blogger.com

Forests forest conservation essay provide a diversity of ecosystem services including recycling carbon dioxide into oxygen, acting as a carbon sink, aiding in regulating climate, purify water, forest conservation essay, mitigating natural hazards such as floods, and serving as a genetic reserve. Forests also serve as a source of lumber and as recreational areas. Under the growing pressure of population in the developing countries and over industrialization, urbanization and consumerism in the developed countries, there is large scale deforestation in the tropical and sub-tropical countries of the world.

iii Rising demand for lumber, timber, paper, forest conservation essay, pulp, fuel-wood and charcoal, and other forest products. vi Demand of forest conservation essay for infrastructural roads, highways, forest conservation essay, railways, airways, irrigation, electricity and telecommunication services facilities and civic amenities.

x High rate of poverty in the third world countries. It is said that poverty directly or indirectly leads to deforestation. xiii Delayed administrative decision, and less effective implementation of forest laws, especially in the developing countries. Essay 2. Forest Conservation Movements in India: Chipko Movement :. The Chipko movement or Chipko Andolan was primarily a forest conservation movement in India that began in and went on to become a rallying point for many future environmental contrast and movements all over the world; it created a precedent for non-violent protest started in India.

The movement occurred at a time forest conservation essay there was hardly any environmental movement in the developing world, and its success meant that the world immediately took notice of this non-violent movement, which was to inspire in time many such eco-groups by helping to slow down the rapid deforestation, forest conservation essay vested interests, increase ecological forest conservation essay, and demonstrate the viability of people power.

The Chipko movement Hug the Trees Movement in Forest conservation essay in the Himalayas inspired the villagers of the Uttara Kannada district of Karnataka State in southern India to launch a similar movement to save their forests.

Appiko movement gave birth to a new awareness all over southern India. Essay 3. Methods of Forest Conservation: i. Regulated and Planned Cutting of Trees :, forest conservation essay. One of the main reasons of deforestation is commercial felling of trees. Although trees are considered as perennial forest conservation essay, when exploited on a very large scale, their revival cannot be possible. The clear cutting method is useful for those areas where the same types of trees are available over a large area.

In such case, trees of same age group are cut down in a selected area and then marked for replantation. But in selective cutting only mature trees are selected for cutting. This process is to be followed in rotation. Shelter woodcutting is where first of all useless trees are cut down followed by medium and best quality timber trees. In regulated cutting only one-tenth of the forest area is selected for use and rotational system is always followed for their protection.

Destruction or loss of forest by fire is fairly common; because trees are highly exposed to fire and once started it becomes difficult to control. Sometimes, the fire starts by natural process, i. In order to save forests from fire, forest conservation essay, it is necessary to adopt latest techniques of firefighting and trained staff. Some of the fire suppression techniques are to develop three metre wide fire lanes around the periphery of the fire, back fires, arrangement of water spray, fire retardant chemicals should be sprayed from back tank and if possible by helicopters.

The sustained yield concept dictates that whenever timber is removed, either by block cutting or by selective cutting, the denuded area must be reforested. Similarly, any forested land, which has been destroyed by fire or mining activities, should be reforested. In rugged terrain aerial seeding is the method of choice. Besides all this, fresh afforestation programmes should be started. This would forest conservation essay the forest cover as well help in making up the eco-balance.

Selection of trees should be done according to local geographical conditions, forest conservation essay. For the development of villages, towns and cities, forestlands have been cleared forest conservation essay this process continues to this day causing loss of forest cover.

This should be checked and green belts around cities be developed. Most of the present-day forest conservation essay land was once forested and then cleared for the use of agriculture; it has reached a stage where further clearance will be dangerous for the entire ecosystem.

According to an estimate, about 40 million sq. km of land is used for shifting cultivation by million tribals of the world. Apart from commercial cutting, unorganized grazing is also one of the reasons.

There are several forest diseases resulting from parasitic fungi, rusts, mistletoes, viruses and nematodes, which cause the destruction of trees. The forests should be protected either by use of chemical spray, antibiotics or by development of disease resistant strains of trees.

Generally, trees are cut for logs and the rest, including stump, limbs, forest conservation essay, branches and foliage, etc. Further waste occurs at the sawmills. Therefore there is a need to utilize this waste material. Similarly, forests can be used or developed as tourist centres. This is a good method of forest conservation. In brief, conservation of forest resources can be done by cooperative efforts of the government, non-government organizations and the public through a proper management system.

Essay 4. National Forestry Action Programme for Forest Conservation : The NFAP identified five interrelated basic issues confronting forestry development in India which form the basis of the following programme structures. These include the works of forest survey, demarcation and mapping, inventory, biodiversity conservation, protected area management, protection against poaching, encroachment and fire, and other related issues.

These mainly involve research, improvement in technology, enrichment planting, soil and water conservation, regeneration, rehabilitation, and afforestation, mainly in existing forests.

This includes programme for reduction of demand placed on forests through the technology of preservation, seasoning, substitutions, and other measures for the efficient utilization of forest products and also through biomass plantations. These include the development of infrastructure such as buildings, communications, etc.

and strengthening of staff including HRD. This issue also covers all aspects of capacity- building, forest policy and legislation, public forest administration and organizational structure, research, forest conservation essay, planning and budgeting.

This issue includes the extension of forestry programme in all kind of wastelands and marginal farmlands, forest conservation essay. It also includes the programme of certain of plantation forests through wasteland reclamation, forest conservation essay, afforestation, and promotion of agroforestry. Essay 5. Forest Conservation Initiatives Taken up by Indian Government : Forestry is a concurrent subject in the Indian Constitution, being under the purview of both the central and state governments.

The first forest policy of India was enunciated in which focused on commercial exploitation of timber and gave importance to permanent cultivation. This was revised in and a new forest policy recognized the protective role of forests and proposed that one-third of the land area of the country be retained under forest and tree cover. It was only in that a shift in policy occurred when the Government of India adopted the National Forest Policy NFP, recognizing the rights of the people over forests.

The Government of India in with support from the United Nations Development Programme UNDP and the Food and Agricultural Organization FAOprepared the National Forestry Action Programme NFAP. It is a comprehensive work plan for sustainable development of forests in India. The Biological Diversity Act,aims to protect the biological resources of the country, and thus, addresses forest ecology in its totality.

The 73rd Amendment to the Indian Constitution,makes it mandatory for all states to decentralize governance through a three-tier structure, viz, forest conservation essay. the state, district, and local bodies called Panchayati Raj institutions. Among the 29 functions recommended for decentralization, three relate to forestry, i. Social forestry, Fuel Wood Plantations, and Non-Timber Forest Products NTFP. In order to strengthen the system of forestry research in India, the Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education ICFREan autonomous umbrella organization, was established in Its functions include aid to and promoting forestry research and its application, acting as a clearing house for research results and information, dissemination of technology, etc.


, time: 1:10:33

Essay On Conservation Of Forest For Students – Read Here – Essay Avenue

forest conservation essay

Forest Conservation Essay. Page 1 of 50 - About Essays Rhetoric Of Deforestation Essay. The Rhetoric of Deforestation The first image, entitled WWF: Lungs, is an anti-deforestation advertisement published by the World Wildlife Fund, a group well-known and respected for its conservation work. The WWF has become an authority on environmental Its main objectives are— (i) Maintenance of environmental stability through preservation and restoration of ecological balance; (ii) Conservation of natural heritage (iii) Check on soil erosion and denudation in catchments areas of rivers, lakes and reservoirs; (iv) Check on extension of sand dunes in the desert area of Rajasthan and along coastal tracts; (v) Substantial increase in forest Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins Word Essay on Forest Conservation | Essays Writing. Forest Conservation. Man and forest live in a close relationship. The forest fulfils most of the man’s needs. He collects resin, cane, timber, food, and fruits from forests. The fallen branch gives him blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins

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