Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Stop polluting the ocean persuasive text

Stop polluting the ocean persuasive text

stop polluting the ocean persuasive text

Differentiated Text Reading Comprehension Questions: Persuasive text 9 Benchworth Road Hillingdon 19th May Dear Prime Minister, I am writing to you about an important matter. I strongly believe sea water is becoming polluted. People are throwing rubbish in the File Size: KB  · Stop polluting the ocean persuasive text. Oct 19, - Teaching Resource: A sequencing task using a persuasive text. More information Sequencing Activity – Stop Polluting The Ocean (Persuasive Text) Teaching Resource Persuasive Speech on Pollution  · Any piece of rubbish can damage our beaches and oceans or even kill our precious animals. There are 3 important reasons why we should stop polluting our oceans. Firstly, it harms pretty much everything in the sea. Secondly, it makes our beaches look dirty and thirdly it kills off food and habitats for marine blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins

Persuasive Essay: Stop polluting the ocean persuasive text

Well, guess what? Any piece of rubbish can damage our beaches and oceans or even kill our precious animals. There are 3 important reasons why we should stop polluting our oceans. Firstly, it harms pretty much everything in the sea. Secondly, it makes our beaches look dirty and thirdly it kills off food and habitats for marine life.

Ocean pollution is deadly to not only our marine life, but also to plants. The most common element that is dangerous to our environment is plastic. It is estimated that there are around million tons of plastic in the oceans today. Plastic damages the ocean and everything in it. Animals end up dying because they think that all the rubbish in the sea is stop polluting the ocean persuasive text die from suffocation and not being able to digest it.

Humans are careless these days, stop polluting the ocean persuasive text, and by careless I mean throwing their rubbish away in to the sea, when really it belongs in the bin. One day, stop polluting the ocean persuasive text, we will be left with no marine animals and a dirty ocean, all because of us being lazy. The rubbish we create in the sea all washes up on the shores.

When the tide goes out all the bits of rubbish just lay there, whilst we walk on the beach all we can see are hundreds of birds pecking at the rubbish, swallowing it stop polluting the ocean persuasive text slowly dying a painful death.

Beaches are absolutely beautiful places to be in the summer, so why are we willing to ruin them? Tourists love traveling the world to see our amazing landscape like BEACHES!!!!! Marine life need food and habitats to survive.

Their habitats are very important to them because this is where they have their babies and stay when they hibernate and to mainly live. Marine life are spectacular so why are we being so lazy and careless? They need all the food they can get to be able to survive, then need homes to be able to sleep,grow,hibernate. No food and no homes equals no marine or land life. I predict that in the future half of us in the world are going to be lazy, careless,irresponsible and reckless.

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Persuasive Speech - Ocean Pollution

, time: 6:36

Esse for You: Stop polluting the ocean persuasive text

stop polluting the ocean persuasive text

 · Any piece of rubbish can damage our beaches and oceans or even kill our precious animals. There are 3 important reasons why we should stop polluting our oceans. Firstly, it harms pretty much everything in the sea. Secondly, it makes our beaches look dirty and thirdly it kills off food and habitats for marine blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins  · Stop polluting the ocean persuasive text. Oct 19, - Teaching Resource: A sequencing task using a persuasive text. More information Sequencing Activity – Stop Polluting The Ocean (Persuasive Text) Teaching Resource Persuasive Speech on Pollution  · Stop polluting the ocean persuasive text · Garbage in the ocean creates an unsafe environment for fish and other sea life. Sea life dies because of the waste, plastic especially. 9% of fish that live near garbage patches (yes there are more than one) have plastic in them

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