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Alireza pahlavi phd thesis

Alireza pahlavi phd thesis

alireza pahlavi phd thesis

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He reigned from 15 December until he was forced to abdicate by the Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran on 16 September Reza Shah introduced many social, economic, and political reforms during his reign, ultimately laying the foundation of the modern Iranian state. Therefore, he is regarded as the founder of modern Iran. At the age of 14 he joined the Cossack Brigadealireza pahlavi phd thesis, and also served in the army.

Inhe was promoted to First Lieutenant, by he was elevated to the rank of Captain and by he became a Colonel. In Februaryas leader of the entire Cossack Brigade based in Qazvin he marched towards Tehran and seized the capital. He forced the dissolution of the government and installed Zia al-Din Tabatabaie as the new Prime Minister. Reza Khan's first role in the new government was Commander-in-Chief of the Army and the Minister of War.

Two years after the Persian coup d'étatled by Zia ol Din TabatabaeeReza Pahlavi became Iran's prime minister. The appointment was backed by the compliant national assembly of Iran. InReza Pahlavi was appointed as the legal monarch of Iran by decision of Iran's constituent assembly. The assembly deposed Ahmad Shah Qajarthe last Shah of the Qajar dynastyalireza pahlavi phd thesis, and amended Iran's constitution to allow selection of Reza Pahlavi as the Shah of Iran.

He founded the Pahlavi dynasty that lasted until overthrown in during the Iranian Revolution. In the spring ofhe was posthumously named as Reza Shah the Great رضا شاه بزرگ by Iran's National Consultative Assembly. His legacy remains controversial to this day. His defenders assert that he was an essential reunification modernization force for Iran whose international prominence had sharply declined during Qajar rulewhile his detractors assert that his reign was often despotic, with his failure to modernize Iran's large peasant population eventually sowing the seeds for the Iranian Revolution nearly four decades later, which ended 2, years of Persian monarchy.

Although he himself was of Iranian Mazandarani descentalireza pahlavi phd thesis, [13] [14] [15] [16] his government carried out an extensive policy of Persianization trying to create a single, united and largely homogeneous nation, similar to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk 's policy of Turkification in Turkey after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Reza Shah Pahlavi was born in the village of Alasht in Savadkuh CountyMazandaran Provinceinto Major Abbas-Ali Khan and wife Noush-Afarin.

Alireza pahlavi phd thesis died suddenly on 26 Novemberwhen Reza was barely 8 months old. Upon his father's death, Reza and his mother moved to her brother's house in Tehran.

She remarried in and left Alireza pahlavi phd thesis to the care of his uncle. Inhis uncle in turn sent Reza to a family friend, Amir Tuman Kazim Khan, alireza pahlavi phd thesis, an officer in the Persian Cossack Brigade, in whose home he had a room of his own and a chance to study with Kazim Khan's children with the tutors who came to the house.

Inwhen he was 25 years old, he is reported to have been guard and servant to the Dutch consul general Fridolin Marinus Knobel.

He also served in the Imperial Army. His initial career started as a private under Qajar Prince Abdol-Hossein Farman Farma 's command. Farman Farma noted that Reza had potential and sent him to military school where he gained the rank of gunnery alireza pahlavi phd thesis. Inhe gave a good account of himself in later campaigns and was promoted to First Lieutenant.

His proficiency in handling machine guns elevated him to the rank equivalent to captain in Byhe was promoted to the rank of Colonel. He was the last commanding officer of the Brigade, and the only Iranian commander in its history, succeeding to this position the Russian colonel Vsevolod Starosselskywhom Reza Shah had helped, intake over the brigade.

In Novemberhe chose the last name Pahlavi for himself, which later became the name of the dynasty he founded. In the aftermath of the Russian RevolutionPersia had become a battleground. InBritain used Iran as the springboard for the launching of an expedition into Russia as part of their intervention in the Russian Civil War on the side of the White movement. The Soviet Union responded by annexing portions of northern Persia, creating the Persian Socialist Soviet Republic.

The Soviets extracted ever more humiliating concessions from the Qajar government, whose ministers Ahmad Shah was often unable to control, alireza pahlavi phd thesis. Bythe government had lost virtually all power outside its capital: British and Soviet forces exercised control over most of the Iranian mainland.

In latethe Soviets in Rasht prepared to march on Tehran with "a guerrilla force of 1, JangalisKurdsArmeniansand Azerbaijanis ", alireza pahlavi phd thesis, reinforced by the Soviet Red Army. This, along with various other unrest in the country, created "an acute political crisis in the capital.

On 14 Januarythe commander of the British Forces in Iran, General Edmund "Tiny" Ironsidepromoted Reza Khan, who had been leading the Tabriz battalion, to lead the entire brigade. He forced the dissolution of the previous government and demanded that Seyyed Zia'eddin Tabatabaee be appointed Prime Minister. While Reza Khan and his Cossack brigade alireza pahlavi phd thesis Tehran, the Persian envoy in Moscow negotiated a treaty with the Bolsheviks for the removal of Soviet troops from Persia.

Article IV of the Russo-Persian Treaty of Friendship allowed the Soviets to invade and occupy Persia, should they believe foreign troops were using it as a staging area for an invasion of Soviet territory. This treaty would cause enormous tension between the two nations until the Anglo-Soviet Invasion of Iran. The coup d'état of was partially assisted by the British government, which wished to halt the Bolsheviks' penetration of Iran, particularly because of the threat it posed to the British possessions in India.

It is thought that the British provided "ammunition, supplies alireza pahlavi phd thesis pay" for Reza's troops. On 8 Junea British Embassy report states that the British were interested in helping Reza Shah create a centralizing power. Reza Khan spent the rest of securing Iran's interior, responding to a number of revolts that erupted against the new government.

From the beginning of the appointment of Reza Khan as the minister of war, there was ever increasing tension with Zia ol Alireza pahlavi phd thesis Tabatabaee, who was prime minister at the time. ByReza Khan had largely succeeded in securing Iran's interior from any remaining domestic and foreign threats, alireza pahlavi phd thesis.

Upon his return to the capital he was appointed Prime Minister, which prompted Ahmad Shah to leave Iran for Europe, where he would remain at first voluntarily, alireza pahlavi phd thesis, and later in exile until his death. He quickly established a political cabinet in Tehran to help organize his plans for modernization and reform. By Octoberhe succeeded in pressuring the Majlis to depose and formally exile Ahmad Shah, and instate him as the next Shah of Iran. Initially, he had planned to declare the country a republicas his contemporary Atatürk had done in Turkey, alireza pahlavi phd thesis, but abandoned the idea in the face of British and clerical opposition.

The Majlis, convening as a constituent assemblydeclared him the Shah King of Iran on 12 Decemberpursuant to the Persian Constitution of At this time he was 47 years old. Reza Shah's coronation took place much later, on 25 April It was at that time that his son, Mohammad Reza Pahlaviwas proclaimed crown prince. While the Shah left behind no major thesis, or speeches giving an overarching policy, his reforms indicated a striving for an Iran which—according to scholar Ervand Abrahamian —would be "free of clerical influence, nomadic uprisings, and ethnic differences", on the one hand, and on the other hand would contain "European-style educational institutions, Westernized women active outside the home, and modern economic structures with state factories, communication networks, investment banks, and department stores.

Reza Shah's reign has been said to have consisted of "two distinct periods". From tofigures such as Abdolhossein TeymourtashNosrat ol Dowleh Firouzand Ali Akbar Davar and alireza pahlavi phd thesis other western-educated Iranians emerged to implement modernist plans, such as the construction of railways, a modern judiciary and educational system, and the imposition of changes in traditional attire, and traditional and religious customs and mores.

In the second half of his reign —41alireza pahlavi phd thesis, which the Shah described as "one-man rule", strong personalities like Davar and Teymourtash were alireza pahlavi phd thesis, and secularist and Western policies and plans initiated earlier were implemented.

During Reza Shah's sixteen years of rule, alireza pahlavi phd thesis, major developments, such as large road construction projects and the Trans-Iranian Railway were built, modern education was introduced and the University of Tehranthe first Iranian university, was established.

Along with the modernization of the nation, Reza Shah was the ruler during the time of the Women's Awakening — This movement sought the elimination alireza pahlavi phd thesis the chador from Iranian working society, alireza pahlavi phd thesis. Supporters held that the veil impeded physical exercise and the ability of women to enter society and contribute to the progress of the nation.

This move met opposition from the Mullahs from the religious establishment. The unveiling issue and the Women's Awakening are linked to the Marriage Law of and the Second Congress of Eastern Women in Tehran in Reza Shah was the first Alireza pahlavi phd thesis Monarch in years who paid respect to the Jews by praying in the synagogue when visiting the Jewish community of Isfahan ; an act that boosted the self-esteem of the Iranian Jews and made Reza Shah their second most respected Iranian leader after Cyrus the Great.

Reza Shah's reforms opened new occupations to Jews and allowed them to leave the ghetto. He forbade photographing aspects of Iran he considered backwards such as camels, and he banned clerical dress and chadors in favor of Western alireza pahlavi phd thesis. Parliamentary elections during the Shah's reign were not democratic. The interior minister then passed the same names onto the provincial governor-general.

Parliament ceased to be a meaningful institution, and instead became a decorative garb covering the nakedness of military rule. Reza Shah discredited and eliminated a number of his ministers. His minister of Imperial Court, Abdolhossein Teymourtashwas accused and convicted of corruption, bribery, misuse of foreign currency regulations, alireza pahlavi phd thesis, and plans alireza pahlavi phd thesis overthrow the Shah.

He was removed as the minister of court in and died under suspicious circumstances while in prison in September The minister of finance, Prince Firouz Nosrat-ed-Dowleh IIIwho played an important role in the first three years of his reign, was convicted on similar charges in Mayalireza pahlavi phd thesis, and also died in prison, in January Ali-Akbar Davarhis minister of justice, was suspected of similar charges and committed suicide in February The elimination of these ministers "deprived" Iran "of her most dynamic figures and the burden of government fell heavily on Reza Shah" according to historian Cyrus Ghani.

In the Western worldPersia or its cognates was historically the common name for Iran. InReza Shah asked foreign delegates and League of Nations to use the term Iran "Land of the Aryans "the endonym of the country, used by its native people, in formal correspondence. Since then, in the Western World, the use of the word "Iran" has become more common, alireza pahlavi phd thesis. This also changed the usage of the names for the Iranian nationality, and the common adjective for citizens of Iran changed from Persian to Iranian.

Inalireza pahlavi phd thesis, the government of Shah Mohammad Reza PahlaviReza Shah Pahlavi's son, announced that both "Persia" and "Iran" could officially be used interchangeably. Persian is the name of one of the ethnic groups of IranAlireza pahlavi phd thesis locally known as Pars is the name of one of Iran's significant cultural provinces and the Persian language.

Support for the Shah came principally from three sources. The central "pillar" was the military, where the shah had begun his career. The annual defense budget of Iran "increased more than fivefold from to The new modern and expanded state bureaucracy of Iran was another source of support. Its ten civilian ministries employed 90, full-time government workers.

This was financed by the Shah's considerable personal wealth which had been built up by forced sales and confiscations of estates, making him "the richest man in Iran".

On his abdication Reza Shah "left to his heir a bank account of some three million pounds sterling and estates totaling over 3 million acres. Opposition to the Shah came not so much from the landed upper class as from "the tribes, alireza pahlavi phd thesis, the clergy, and the young generation of the new intelligentsia.

The tribes bore the brunt of the new order. As his reign became more secure, Reza Shah clashed with Iran's clergy and devout Muslims on many issues. In Marchhe violated the sanctuary of Qom 's Fatima al-Masumeh Shrine to beat a cleric who had angrily admonished Reza Shah's wife for temporarily exposing her face a day earlier while on pilgrimage to Qom.

He alireza pahlavi phd thesis that female teachers could no longer come to school with head coverings. One of his daughters reviewed a girls' athletic event with an uncovered head.

TEHRAN: Sattar Dar Sooge Shahzade AliReza Pahlavi (GRAPHIC) Viewer Discretion is Advised

, time: 3:40

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alireza pahlavi phd thesis

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