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Dissertation on secondary school principal leadership

Dissertation on secondary school principal leadership

dissertation on secondary school principal leadership

Conclusions: The study data supported the conclusion that secondary principals who demonstrate authentic leadership behaviors have a tendency to Cited by: 2 2 Dollar Essay is cheap essay Dissertation On Secondary School Principal Leadership writing service for students where rates for a college essay are as low as $2 per page only. Get a free plagiarism report with your essays/10() Dissertation On Secondary School Principal Leadership, Buy papers college We assign PhD level provide help with a. Endure while writing such dissertation on secondary school principal leadership essay the academic. Provide us with of the students is be written very dissertation on secondary school principal leadership To determine what methods are also employed as dissertation on secondary

Dissertation on school leadership

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A Working Paper Brian McNulty. Download PDF Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of this paper. Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package. Translate PDF. DOCUMENT RESUME ED EA AUTHOR Waters, Tim; Marzano, Robert J. A Working Paper. PUB DATE NOTE 21p. AVAILABLE FROM Mid-Continent Research for Education and Learning, South Parker Road, SuiteAurora, CO It includes a meta-analysis of nearly every available study since the s, including doctoral dissertations, that indicated it examined the effects of leadership on student achievement.

From a total of more than 5, studies, 70 met the researchers' criteria for design, control, data analysis, and rigor. Reports on the, 70 studies are reference in an appendix. From the analysis, the researchers have created what they call "a balanced leadership framework.

The framework is predicated on the notion that effective leadership means more than simply knowing what to do; it means knowing when, how, and why to do it. The data from the meta-analysis demonstrate that there is, in fact, a substantial relationship between leadership and student achievement. The effect size is discussed and expressed as a correlation. The paper also contains a listing of 21 specific leadership responsibilities significantly correlated with student achievement.

The average effect sizes for their affect on student achievement are also reported. WFA Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the ori inal document, dissertation on secondary school principal leadership. Balanced Leadership: What 30 years of research tells us about the effect of leadership on student achievement Tim Waters, Ed. Robert J. Marzano, Ph.

Brian McNulty, Ph. A Working Paper MOO IMEL U. CI Minor changes have been made to ahtteks improve reproduction quality. Waters serves on the Board of Directors of the National Education Knowledge Industry Association arid is a past Commissioner of the Colorado Commission on Higher Education. He received his B. from the University of Denver and his M. and Ed. from Arizona State University, dissertation on secondary school principal leadership.

ROBERT J. MARZANO is a Senior Scholar at McREL; an Associate Professor at Cardinal Stritch University in Milwaukee, WI; Vice President of Pathfinder Education, Inc. He is the author of numerous publications, including What Works in SchoolsASCD and Classroom Instruction that Works Marzano, Pickering, Pollock,ASCD. from Iona College in New York, his M.

from Seattle University, and his Ph. from the University of Washington, Seattle. BRIAN McNULTY serves as McREL's Vice President of Field Services. Prior to joining McREL, he served as the Assistant Commissioner of the Colorado Department of Education and as the Executive Director of Educational Services, Adams County School District 14 in Commerce City, CO. from Georgetown University, his M. from George Washington University, and his Ph.

from the University of Denver. Other McREL staff dissertation on secondary school principal leadership who contributed to the development of this report include JAMES BAILEY, a former assistant district superintendent, high school principal and elementary principal; GREG CAMERON, a former elementary school principal and assistant principal; EVELYN CORTEZ-FORD, a doctoral candi- date in educational leadership and former master teacher and teacher educator; MIKE GALVIN, a former teacher leader and elementary school principal; SANDRA GILPIN, a former secondary school mathematics teacher; and MONETTE McIVER, a former elementary school teacher.

to be effective leaders. Starting inMcREL began synthesizing this growing body of research through meta-analyses of Our leadership framework also is predicated on the research on student characteristics and teacher and notion that effective leadership means more than school practices associated with school effectiveness.

simply knowing what to do it's knowing when, The results of our first two meta-analyses have pro- how, and why to do it. Effective leaders understand vided practitioners with specific guidance on the how to balance pushing for change while at the curricular, instructional, and school practices that, same time, dissertation on secondary school principal leadership, protecting aspects of culture, values, and when applied appropriately, can result in increased norms worth preserving.

They know which policies, dissertation on secondary school principal leadership, student achievement. practices, resources, and incentives to align and how to align them with organizational priorities, dissertation on secondary school principal leadership. They Our third research meta-analysis examines the know how to gauge the magnitude of change they effects of leadership practices on student achieve- are calling for and how to tailor their leadership ment.

After analyzing studies conducted over a strategies accordingly. Finally, they understand and year period, McREL identified 21 leadership respon- value the people in the organization. They know sibilities that are significantly associated with student when, how, and why to create learning environments achievement. We have translated these results into a that support people, connect them with one another, balanced leadership framework Which describes the and provide the knowledge, skills, and resources knowledge, skills, strategies, and tools leaders need they need to succeed.

This combination of knowl- to positively impact student achievement. edge and skills is the essence of balanced leadership. Dissertation on secondary school principal leadership another leadership framework? Methodology Educators have long heard that school leadership McREL's balanced leadership framework was developed makes a difference.

Many early studies on school from three key bodies of knowledge: effectiveness, for example, reported that leadership, A quantitative analysis of 30 years of research, specifically instructional leadership, was one of sev- An exhaustive review of theoretical literature on eral defining characteristics of successful schools.

leadership, and Nonetheless, this notion of instructional leadership Our research team's more than years of remained a vague and imprecise concept for many combined professional wisdom on school district and school leaders charged with providing it.

Since the early s, many thoughtful, experienced, As a first step in developing our leadership framework, and competent scholars and practitioners have we conducted a systematic meta-analysis of nearly offered theories, anecdotes, and personal perspectives every available study including doctoral dissertations concerning instructional leadership.

None of this that purported to examine the effects of leadership on advice for leaders, however, was derived from the student achievement reported since the early s. analysis of a large sample of quantitative data.

As a From a total of more than 5, studies completed result, it remained largely theoretical and failed to during this period, 70 see Appendix A met the provide school leaders with practical guidance for following criteria for design, controls, data analysis, becoming effective leaders. and rigor: Quantitative student achievement data; In this regard, McREL's balanced leadership frame- Student achievement measured on standardized, work stands apart from previous advice for school norm-referenced tests or some other objective leaders.

First, no other frameworks for school lead- measure of achievement; ership have been developed from a more compre- Student achievement as the dependent variable; hensive analysis of research on school leadership and and student achievement.

Second, because it is Teacher perceptions of leadership as the independent grounded in evidence, dissertation on secondary school principal leadership, our balanced leadership variable. These 70 studies involved 2, schools approxi- mately 1. one standard deviation improvement in leadership practices is associated with an increase in average student achievement from the 50th percentile to the In addition, McREL's research team has applied 60th percentile.

This represents a statistically signifi- insights from our own professional wisdom and an cant difference in achievement. exhaustive review of leadership literature including institutional theory, systems theory, organizational In addition to the general impact of leadership, we learning theory, transition theory, change theory, and found 21 specific leadership responsibilities signifi- diffusion theory to help school leaders understand cantly correlated with student achievement.

These how to effectively carry out the 21 key leadership 21 leadership responsibilities and the average effect responsibilities identified in our study. Thus, our find- size for their impact on student achievement are ings represent an integration of quantitative research, reported in Figure 3. theoretical insights, and professional wisdom about effective leadership. FINDINGS The data from our meta-analysis demonstrate that there is, in fact, a substantial relationship between Principal A leadership and student achieve- ment.

Dissertation on secondary school principal leadership found that the average Principal B effect size expressed as a corre- dissertation on secondary school principal leadership between leadership and 2. Principals in both schools are also average that is, their abilities in the 21 key leadership responsibilities are ranked at the.

I 50th percentile. Our research findings indicate that this increase in leadership ability would translate into mean student achievement at school B that is 10 percentile points higher than school A, as depicted in -3 2.! The second variable is whether leaders finding that is equally as important. That is, just as dissertation on secondary school principal leadership understand the magnitude or "order" leaders can have a positive impact on achievement, of change dissertation on secondary school principal leadership are leading and adjust their leader- they also can have a marginal, or worse, a negative ship practices accordingly.

We discuss these variables impact on achievement. When leaders concentrate in greater detail in the following sections. Figure 4 missioned by the National Governor's Association displays the range of impact leaders can have on NGAconcluded that having the right focus of student performance.

In some studies, we found an change is a key to improving schools and increasing effect size for leadership and achievement of. student achievement. In his report for NGA, This translates mathematically into a one standard Knowing the Right Things to Do: School Improvement and deviation difference in demonstrated leadership Peormance-Based AccountabiliO, he states, dissertation on secondary school principal leadership being associated with as much as a 19 per- centile point increase in student achievement an Knowing the right thing to do is the central increase that is substantially larger than the 10 problem of school improvement.

Holding percentile point increase mentioned previously.

Linda Darling-Hammond: The School Principal as Leader

, time: 55:39

dissertation on secondary school principal leadership

relevant literature on school climate and factors affecting it. Chapter four presents detailed report on the empirical study. Questionnaires each of which contains items on leadership styles and school climate were responded to by secondary school teachers and interviews were conducted with headteachers. Chapter five contains data analysis and Secondary Education Act of (ESEA), as amended by No Child Left Behind (NCLB), accountability for student achievement ultimately rests on the shoulders of school principals (No Child Left Behind Act [NCLB], Pub. L. No. , § , Stat. , ()). As noted in recent research, “Ten years ago, school leadership was noticeably absentAuthor: Janice E. Garland 2 Dollar Essay is cheap essay Dissertation On Secondary School Principal Leadership writing service for students where rates for a college essay are as low as $2 per page only. Get a free plagiarism report with your essays/10()

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