Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Human development essay

Human development essay

human development essay

 · Freud is known as the father of psychology. According to Freud, he believed that human development was fueled by inner forces (Essay UK, ). He believed our sexual being was the most powerful of all inner forces throughout human development. That being said, Freud linked everything with sex. Thus, nowadays, Freud’s theory on human development is labeled the psychosexual Human development is a process we all have to go through in life. Not everyone go through the process of development the same. This class has taught me a lot of information about how we develop in the eight periods of human development. I also learned that my dimples are part of my phenotype and that it has a strong genetic base (p 54) Essay about Human Growth and Development. Human Growth and Development Human growth and the life span perspective begin from the day of conception and continue throughout the life span. It is a lifelong process which involves periods and domains of very great importance

Essay about Human Growth and Development - Words | Bartleby

This article provides information about the human and growth approach to development:. In principle, these choices can be infinite and change over time. But at all levels of development, the three essential ones are there for people a human development essay lead a long and healthy life, b to acquire knowledge and c to have access to resources needed for a decent standard of living.

Image Courtesy : assignmentpoint. Human development essay these essential choices are not available many other opportunities remain inaccessible. Human development, however, does not end there. Additional choices, ranging from political, economic and social freedom to opportunities for being creative and productive and enjoying personal self-respect and guaranteed human rights are also inseparable parts o human rights, human development essay.

UNDP depicts two sides of human development: a the formation of human capabilities — such as improved health, knowledge and access to resources; and b the people human development essay use of these capabilities for productive purposes — being active in cultural, social and political affairs, human development essay.

If the scales of human development do not finely balance the two sides; considerable human frustration may result. But it is not the sum total of their lives. Development must, therefore, be more than just the expansion of income and wealth. Its focus must be people. The Human Development Approach to development is different from the human development essay approaches development, i.

Economic growth, that is, the increase in production GDP is necessary but not sufficient for human development. The theories of human capital formation and human resources development consider the human being as a means and not as an end. They are concerned with the supply side. The human welfare approach visualises people only as passive recipients of benefits of development and not as its participants.

The basic needs approach aims to human development essay the basic minimum needs, i. The human development approach puts equal emphasis on the production and distribution of resources, expansion and use of human capabilities, scope of choice, livelihood security, human development essay, participatory process, and social, economic and political freedom.

All these indeed emphases a paradigm shift in the social development strategy of the State. The world has become more polarised and the wide gap between the poor and the rich has widened further. The gap in per capita income between the industrial and developing world trebled. There have been regional imbalances. The UNDP has voiced its concern against the jobless, ruthless, voiceless, rootless and fortuneless growth in the late s.

It was jobless growth, since the economy grew but did not expand the opportunities for employment for large sections of the population. For the developing countries, jobless growth has meant long hours and very low incomes for hundreds of millions of people in low productivity work in agriculture and in other informal sectors. This developmental process has been rendered ruthless by the fact that the fruits of economic growth have mostly benefited the rich; while millions of people stagnate in poverty.

At places the dominant majority culture amplifies at the cost of marginalisation of the minority cultures. It has also been a voiceless growth as in many places it has not ensured the process of democratic participation of the people in decision-making processes.

The voiceless growth process also provides women a marginal role in economic development. Again, fast economic growth is also achieved in some countries at the cost of destruction of forests, polluting rivers, destroying bio-diversity and depleting natural resources. In this futureless growth, the present generation squanders resources needed by the future generation.

At times the futureless human development essay benefits the industrialised countries at the cost of increased pressure on the poor people of the developing countries.

It is important to examine how development is being viewed as freedom by Amartya Sen. According to him; development must be perceived as a vital process of expanding real freedom that people enjoy. As per him, expansion of real income and economic growth are not necessarily characteristics of successful development as countries with high GDP and per capita income at times have low achievements in the quality of life.

On the other hand, countries with low GDP and low per capita incomes have higher human development indicators. Here the central purpose of development is to improve human lives, human development essay, i.

To him, the objective of development is to remove obstacles such as illiteracy, ill-health, poverty, lack of access to resources or lack of civil and political freedom, human development essay. He does not deny that economic prosperity should be the major goal of planning and policy making. This is, however, human development essay, only an intermediate goal to contribute to the human development essay goal of development, i.

To Sen, both the primary end and the principal means of development is expansion of freedom as freedom in one type helps advancing freedom of other types. While access to economic opportunities is a major factor of economic growth, he also recognizes the contribution of instrumental freedom political freedom, economic facilities, social opportunities, transparency guarantees and protective security in enhancing economic growth and the contribution of economic growth to facilitate those freedoms that come into the way of full attainment of human potentials.

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Human Development Essay | Bartleby

human development essay

Essay about Human Growth and Development. Human Growth and Development Human growth and the life span perspective begin from the day of conception and continue throughout the life span. It is a lifelong process which involves periods and domains of very great importance Human Development essay. ome>Psychology homework help human We began the study of human development by understanding that human development is more than just going from child to adult. Human development continues through the life-span, hence the term life-span development. Even though we look at human development across the life-span, there are Human development is a process we all have to go through in life. Not everyone go through the process of development the same. This class has taught me a lot of information about how we develop in the eight periods of human development. I also learned that my dimples are part of my phenotype and that it has a strong genetic base (p 54)

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